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Mall Self-Guided Tour

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Curious Quest is a family walking tour for parents and their children to get out of the house and spend quality time together. The mall can be boring for children, so this is a way they can enjoy spending time with their family as they explore shops and new places. 

Research Question

How might I design an activity for families that will help them interact with one another while they shop at the mall?


Creating an interactive app allows families to have more fun at the mall. Parents have a hard time keeping their children distracted while shopping, but Curious Quest encourages families to interact with one another instead of letting the child play on their tablet. There are also stickers to collect for completing each stop and this way they are motivated to play the game. 

Mood Board

Logo & Sketches

sketches and ideas


The app is interactive with a fox guiding the members on their screen to each stop. The fox can also route them to the chosen stop from anywhere in the mall. Many features are provided such as sound to read out loud text and dialogue, change the language, collect stickers, visit new places, and more! Families can collect stickers digitally and physically at each stop they visit

as a completion of the quest. 

To let users know about the activity and download the app, I designed a poster with a QR code. There is also another poster to promote why someone should play this game, to earn the stickers.

Emma Robinson

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